Deparment of Economics
Names of the Present Faculty Members of the Department
Dr. Vaishali Dokarimare
Designation : Assistant professor
Qualification : M.A. (Economics political science, Marathi) M Phill, Ph. D., B.Ed
Mobile No. : 9860395576
Email Id :
Mr. Subhash Pathode
Designation : Assistant professor
Qualification : M.A. Bed SET
Mobile No. : 9158387671
Email Id : subhashpathode68,
Smt. Rewaben Manoharbhai Patel Mahila Kala Mahavidyalaya, Bhandara was established in 1995 and same is the year of the establishment of the Department of Economics. The department consists of one full time faculty member. Presently Dr. Shirish S. Nakhate is the HOD of the Department.
The department has a dedicated and committed staff, engaged in imparting quality education to the students. The department has grown in leaps and bounds in term of developing good academic culture.
Silent Features
- Department
- Regular Teaching
- Well Qualified Teaching Staff
- Good Result
- Interdisciplinary Academic Activity
- Publication
- Well Furnish Classrooms
- 272 Books are available in the Library of Economics Subject in the Session 2020-21
Future Plan
- To Organize University / State & National level Seminar & Conference.
- To adopt the departmental library.
- To Work for Increase in Publication.
- To Encourage & Inspire the Student for Competitive Examination. NET / SET study Center
Admitted Students
- International Journal : 02 Papers
- National Journal : 03 Paper
- National Conference : 03
- State Level Conference : 05
- The Department of Economics & Political Science jointly conducted a General Knowledge Test, on the subject ‘Contribution of Fule, Shahu & Ambedkar to Social Justice’.
- Organized Students’ Seminar on proper understanding of university syllabus.
- Organized Students’ Seminar on proper understanding of university syllabus.
- A Guest Lecture of Dr. Govardhan Dhote, HOD of History Department, Smt. Rewaben Manoharbhai Patel Mahila Kala Mahavidyalaya, Bhandara on “Economic Policy of Kautilya” was organized.
- As a part of study a group discussion on “Indian Agriculture” was held.
- Organized Students’ Seminar on ‘Nature & Scope of Economics’ for B. A. 1st (Sem. 1st) Students.
- Organized Students’ Seminar on ‘First Unit of the Syllabus’
Awards and Achievements
- Best NSS Programme officer in RTM Nagpur University – 2009
Students Achievements
- Above 100 % result of B. A. 1st, 2nd & Final (Economics Subject) in summer 2019-20
SWOC Analysis
- All faculty members are creative & develop the Interest for Higher Learning among the students by Teaching / guiding regularly as per the Syllabus.
- Regular Publication and Presentation of the Faculty in National & International Level.
- Above 80+ % Results of B.A. Final (Economics Subject) in every year.
- Department is using Innovative Teaching Methods. Use of Audio – Visual Media Viz. PPT.
- Regular Unit Test & Home Assignment.
- Student Visits to Library.
- Department is organizing Student’s Seminar, Guest Lectures and Essay Competition.
- Students remain attached to the Department after passing out their U. G. Degrees and the Department helps them to pass Entrance Exams of Ph.D. & NET / SET
- Lack of Department organizing International, National & State Level Seminars & Conferences.
- Our college is in Urban Area but student admitted from rural area.
- Soft skill & Communication skill of the student need to be improved.
- Involvement of student in research activity.
- To start M. Phil. Research Course, NET / SET Study Center.
- To Research Work – A Minor Research Project completed.
- To make job swarthy of student through quality based teaching.
- Activities on collection of the work of great Economists.
- Scope for Development of Interdisciplinary Project useful for society.
- To Collect Economical Models & Charts to explain Geometrical Concept.
- Number of student opting for Graduate Course in Department of Economics is declining day by day.
- Effect of cost based Education on the students from Department of Economics, because majority of the students of Economics are coming from rural background. They are from lower economics class.
- Lack of academic performance of the student of the Department of Economics in University & other Competitive Examinations.
- Increase in number of colleges. (Government Policy)
- Global recession may hamper placement opportunities for students.
- To start short term courses to face new challenges to get employment.
- To work own outcome of the subject by using proper method.
- Economist
- Financial risk analyst
- Data analyst
- Financial planner
- Accountant
- Economic researcher
- Financial consultant
- Investment analyst
- Actuary
- Public sector roles
Common career paths for economics graduates include: